CONVNTRM/YA/SMTPN: Blackmagic Teranex Mini – Smart Panel

PRODUCT MODEL: CONVNTRM/YA/SMTPN | CATEGORY: Pro Video Processing and DistributionProduction EquipmentSignal Converters

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Attaches to Teranex Mini & Web Presenter
Replaces Standard Front Panel
2.2″ Color LCD, Spin Dial & Push Buttons
Adjust Settings, Browse Menus

Blackmagic Design Featured

The?Teranex Mini Smart Panel, from?Blackmagic Design, is designed to simply replace the existing front panel on any Teranex Mini Converter as well as the Blackmagic Web Presenter. It provides a 2.2″ color LCD, a spin dial, and six control buttons, including a menu control. You’ll be able to adjust settings, browse menus, monitor conversions in progress, monitor audio levels, verify timecode, and verify the video standard being converted.

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