CONVNTRM/DA/QDSDI: Blackmagic Teranex Mini – Quad SDI to 12G-SDI

PRODUCT MODEL: CONVNTRM/DA/QDSDI | CATEGORY: Pro Video Processing and DistributionProduction EquipmentSignal Converters

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Quad-Link 12G-SDI Input
2 Single-Link 12G-SDI Outputs
Supports SD, HD, UHD 4K & DCI 4K Signals
Automatic Input Signal Detection

Blackmagic Design Featured

Connect Quad-Link SDI sources to 12G-SDI equipment with the?Blackmagic Design Teranex Mini Quad SDI to SDI 12G Converter. Housed in a low-profile sleek black enclosure, this Teranex Mini Converter fits in studio and post-production workflows without disrupting the decor. While the functionality of this unit may be obvious, connecting the unit via Ethernet enables you to use the included control software to complete control and make adjustments to fit your needs. As an additional option, a front panel controller with a built-in confidence monitor can be purchased separately. DIP switch controls are also available behind the front panel flap.

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