CONVNTRM/MA/OPTH: Blackmagic Teranex Mini – Optical to HDMI 12G

PRODUCT MODEL: CONVNTRM/MA/OPTH | CATEGORY: Pro Video Processing and DistributionProduction EquipmentSignal Converters

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Convert a 12G-SDI Signal to HDMI
Convert Optical Fiber to HDMI (Optional)
Up to DCI 4K/60p Support on Input/Output
XLR Outputs Switchable to AES/EBU

Blackmagic Design Featured

The?Teranex Mini Optical to HDMI 12G Converter?from?Blackmagic Design?allows you to convert up to a 12G-SDI signal to HDMI, or install an optional optical fiber module and convert up to 12G fiber signals to HDMI. You can input and output up to DCI 4K (4096 x 2160) 60p signals on both input and output, connecting sources such as the Blackmagic URSA on the input end.

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