CONVNTRM/OB/IPV: Blackmagic Teranex Mini – IP Video 12G

PRODUCT MODEL: CONVNTRM/OB/IPV | CATEGORY: Pro Video Processing and DistributionProduction EquipmentSignal Converters

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Advanced High-Data Rate Signal Converter
TICO Encoder / Decoder
Supports up to 4K DCI 4096x2160p Signals
Two Independent 12G-SDI 10-Bit Outputs

Blackmagic Design Featured

Supporting up to 12G-SDI data rates, the?Teranex Mini IP Video 12G?from?Blackmagic Design?is a 12G-SDI/Ethernet encoder/decoder that supports TICO encoding for high-quaity video over Ethernet transmission. The compact size of the Teranex Mini makes it very useful for portable racks at live events or in broadcast trucks. One unit is required at each end?multiple units can be used on the same network?controlled by a Mac or Windows computer using the included Blackmagic Video Hub software.

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