DV/RES/BBPNLMIC: Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve Micro Panel

PRODUCT MODEL: DV/RES/BBPNLMIC | CATEGORY: Post Production HardwareProduction Equipment

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3 x High-Resolution Track Balls
12 Primary Correction-Control Knobs
18 Navigation and Transport Keys
USB Type-C Interface

Blackmagic Design Featured

The?DaVinci Resolve Micro Panel?from?Blackmagic Design?is a portable control surface that provides more control and a faster workflow to DaVinci Resolve software than working with a keyboard and mouse alone. Suitable for editors and colorists that need a portable control surface. It features three high-resolution, weighted trackballs and 12 control knobs for accessing essential primary color-correction tools in the Resolve software. Eighteen dedicated keys on the right side also give you access to the most commonly used grading features and playback controls.

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