DV/RES/BBPNLMLEKB: Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard

PRODUCT MODEL: DV/RES/BBPNLMLEKB | CATEGORY: Post Production HardwareProduction Equipment

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All-Metal Design with Handrest
High-Quality Keys with Tiered Profile
Premium Search Wheel
Fast In and Out Points

Blackmagic Design Featured

Made for DaVinci Resolve 16 and above, the?DaVinci Resolve Editor Keyboard?from?Blackmagic Design?features an all-metal construction and has professional edit keys and a high-quality search wheel, allowing you to edit with both hands. For example, you can control the position within a clip with the right hand while setting in and out points and applying edits with the left. Based on feedback from professionals, it even has subtle design features such as empty space above certain keys, so they can be located by touch. It’s designed to plug into USB Type-C computer ports and works without any batteries. It can be used on a desktop or inset into a console via a flange.

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